Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Police Criminal Intelligence Bulletin - 1973 Words
To control gangs, law enforcement agencies have used preventive approaches, including community organization, social intervention, opportunity provision, suppression and organizational change (Spergel, 1990). Not unlike the ones that were talked about earlier. Suppression has historically been a major strategy used by police and involves targeting gang leaders and hard-core members for surveillance, arrest and prosecution. However, the Illinois State Police Criminal Intelligence Bulletin (1992), noted that even though street gangs are involved with drugs, murders, sexual assaults, armed robberies, burglaries and automobile thefts, almost 60 percent of local and county police agencies did not have officers assigned to gangs on either a†¦show more content†¦1998). Citizens around the country, in their communities have to endure with the fear of gangs that terrorize the area. In the first ten months of 1993, there were over 500 calls for service in the two block area contr olled by the gang. Law enforcement officers would not enter the area other than in teams and the local fire department would not answer calls without police assistance. Street lights were constantly shot out and the darkened area, along with some tall trees, provided a perfect environment for the gang s activities. Although law enforcement officers arrested gang members, the intimidation of witnesses made their tasks more difficult. To reduce the gang s illegal activities in the neighborhood and begin renovating the neighborhood, an innovative four phase program called Operation Roundup was designed and developed (Torres, S. 1998). Research indicates that fear of crime, whether self-imposed or realistic, can immobilize individuals, harm the local economy and negatively impact social interactions as well as the quality of life (Albanese, 1990 Skogan (1987) argues that crime victims believe that more crime exists, are worried about victimization and attempt to protect themselves. Parker and Ray (1990) as well as Krannich et al. (1989) revealed victimization to be a predictor related to fear ofShow MoreRelatedThe Police Criminal Intelligence Bulletin1705 Words  | 7 Pagesearlier. Suppression has historically been a major strategy used by police and involves targeting gang leaders and hard-core members for surveillance, arrest and prosecution. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Great Faults With Society - 986 Words
During the 50’s a widespread virus appeared on the scene, and there was a critical need for a cure to this virus. The solution to this problem was the new innovation of â€Å"test tube†babies, who were genetically engineered and modified. Hailsham was a mysterious school designed to raise these â€Å"test tube†kids and dooming them to a predetermined fate of donating their organs. These students were clones of regular people in society who had the money to create them, and the students were mandated to donate their organs to their clone. The three main characters: Kathy, Ruth and Tommy are the focus of attention throughout the novel, their divergent personalities help to create different themes and ideas. Never Let Me Go is a journey involving conformity, friendships and the ideal of hope in order to unravel the horrible lives they live in. This showcases the great faults with society and makes the reader ponder on the possibility of the approaching doom of man kind. The main character and narrator of the story is Kathy, she relives the events of the story based on the recollection, flashbacks and stream of consciousness of her mind. The ideal of hope that Kathy illustrates throughout the novel gives the reader a false sense that the clones will get ahead in life. â€Å"Ruth began telling us about the sort of office she’d ideally work in, and I immediately recognized it. She went into all the details- the plants, the gleaming equipment, the chairs with their swivels and castors- and itShow MoreRelatedNature Of Human Nature : Human Faults Of Human Nature1051 Words  | 5 PagesFaults of Human Nature Many people often don’t realize how human faults can so greatly impact the outcome of anything, good or bad. Most of the time the outcome is bad. The humans faults can be shown in society, personal lives, literature, movies, and more. It’s all around but sometimes we don’t take the time to really think about them and their impact. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
To tie a red handkerchief free essay sample
In the backyard of my house is a clump of various kinds of hoary trees- pines, mangoes and sort of-which is a home for thousands of birds. On one evening, while strolling around there, I unexpectedly encountered a bird lying prostrate on a root of the tree. I rushed to it, realizing it had got hurt but was still alive by noticing its weakly flapping wings. Without hesitation, I took it to home. That is how I first met with Nicky, a dark-brown, young swallow. After healing his wounds, I kept him in a wooden cabinet at a corner of my room. Later, my parents bought me a beautifully crafted cage to put him. As the time passed by, he has become docile and the bond between us has been firmer. Whenever I came into the room, he fluttered excitedly around the cage. But, one day, when I paced into my room, to my surprise and dismay, I saw the broken cage on the floor with no Nicky in it. We will write a custom essay sample on To tie a red handkerchief or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Then my younger brother came to me to confess that it was because of him. Distracted, I despondently walked to the backyard, where I was captivated witnessing a flock of bustling swallows on the ground. â€Å"Maybe Nicky will be in that flock†, I groaned, â€Å"I can’t extract him because they are all nearly the same.†As I turned toward home with despair, a swallow darted straightly toward me from the crowd and rested on my shoulder, flapping its wings and making me dumbfounded. â€Å"Nicky, are you?†â€Å" Of course it’s him, my intuitions know him!†I told myself. I grasped him and whispered, â€Å"You will be lost forever and be nothing if you don’t know how to make me to realize you†Picking him back home, I pondered over that event which is resonating with my life. I am always willing to be unique and conspicuous. In math and sciences subjects, I sought the different ways to calculate and comprehend the logics and reasons. In classroom, it is I who was standing out to prove how my own methods are effective, and was elatedly satisfied when teachers approved them. Besides utilizing it in education, I tenaciously hold my quirk in everything. In chess games, I usually plan to make gambits and attacks with unusual strategies, and surprise the audience with smartly procured checkmates. Likewise, I drew Manga (Japanese comic) that is so rare in my surrounding, and achieved a reputation as the adroit Manga artist in school. Of course, my willingness to be unique is largely concerned with my dream: to be an engineer who contributes the world by his innovations. Some people have gibed me that my penchant to be different was just like self-centeredness and lack of consonance with others. Yet, my aspirations to unique ways have developed acumens in facing matters with diverse perspectives and giving out own creations. Because of such skills and work, many scientists have overcome the obstacles blurring the truths of nature and been distinct among all normal people. Actually, such as those scientists and my Nicky have triumphed, I am doggedly struggling to reveal distinctively myself among my family, friends and, to be exact, among all people. Engrossing deeply in those thoughts along the way, I quietly reached my room. After emancipating from long thoughts, I gazed at Nicky, who was lounging smugly in my warm clutch, and told, â€Å"Well, you have grown enough. I think this is the time to set you free†. But, before I let him go, I tied tightly a red handkerchief to his neck as a valedictory gift and hurled gently him into outside through the window. There, under the azure sky, he flew up to the breaking clouds, where he merged into the sea of cheeping swallows. Despite the physical uniformity of them, I could see him prominently, even in a far distance, with red handkerchief billowing around his neck.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Mehmet Egirgen Essay Example
Mehmet Egirgen Essay PARAGRAPH STRUCTURE THE THREE PARTS OF A PARAGRAPH 1. TOPIC SENTENCE: States the main idea of the paragraph. It limits the topic to one specific area that can be discussed completely in the space of a single paragraph. It has two parts: a) Topic b) Controlling idea. e. g. Driving on freeways requires skills and alertness. Topic controlling idea Registering for college classes can be a frustrating experience for new students. Topic controlling idea Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. Topic controlling idea 2. SUPPORTING SENTENCES: develop the topic sentence. They explain or prove the topic sentence by giving more information about it. e. g. First of all, gold has a lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion. For example, a Macedonian coin remains as untarnished today as the day it was made 25 centuries ago. 3. CONCLUDING SENTENCE: signals the end of the paragraph and leaves the reader with important points to remember. e. g. In conclusion, gold is treasured not only for its beauty but also its utility. HOW TO WRITE GOOD TOPIC SENTENCES 1. It must be a complete sentence. 2. It must contain both the topic and the controlling idea. 3. A topic sentence is the most general sentence in the paragraph because it gives only the main idea. It doesn’t give specific details. A reader wants to know generally what to expect in a paragraph, but they don’t want to learn all the details in the first sentence. a) A lunar eclipse is an omen of a coming disaster. ______too specific. _____ b) Superstitions have been around forever. ______ too general_______ c) People hold many superstitious beliefs about the moon. ___ best TS______ d) Is made of green cheese. _____ incomplete_____ Now, it’s your turn: a) The history of astronomy is interesting. ___________ b) Ice age people recorded the appearance of new moons by making scratches ___________ in animal bones. c) For example, Stonehenge in Britain, built 3500 years ago to track the ___________ movements of the sun. d) Ancient people observed and recorded lunar and solar events in different___________ ways. ********************************************************* a) It is hard to know which foods are safe to eat nowadays. __________ b) In some large ocean fish, there are high levels of mercury. ___________ c) Undercooked chickens and hamburger may carry E. coli bacteria. ___________ d) Not to mention mad cow disease. ___________ e) Food safety is an important issue. ___________ Writing topic sentences: Read the paragraphs below. The topic sentence of each paragraph has been omitted. Try to write a suitable topic sentence for each paragraph. ______________________________________. In Beijing, China, people own over 7 million bicycles. In cities in Denmark, between 20 and 30 percent of daily trips are made on bicycles. We will write a custom essay sample on Mehmet Egirgen specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Mehmet Egirgen specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Mehmet Egirgen specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In many Asian cities, bicycle-like vehicles called rickshaws carry between 10 and 20 percent of the goods moved daily. In Africa, the bicycle is the most common means of traveling intermediate distances. In Iran, too, bicycles are the primary means of transportation in such cities as Yazd and Kerman. ____________________________________. The earliest known examples of wheels are from Mesopotamia. It dates from about 3500 to 3000 BC. Wheels were first used in the cart or wagon, pulled by humans or animals. After the invention of the steam engine, wheels were driven by steam. Today, animal-drawn carts re still used in many countries. The horse-drawn chariot appeared in Mesopotamia around 2000 BC. It was later used in Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome, and other ancient civilizations. _________________________________________. Water is often drawn from rivers, lakes, or the ocean for use in factories and power plants. This water is usually returned to the source warmer than when it was taken. This small temperature change in the body of water can drive away the fish and other animals that were originally present. It attracts other animals in place of them. The result may be fish and other wildlife deaths. ____________________________________. The United Nations (UN) estimates that the world population reached 6 billion in 1999, and is increasing by more than 77 million persons each year. The rate of increase, 1. 3 percent per year, has fallen below the peak rate of 2 percent per year attained by 1970. By the late 2040s, the UN estimates, the growth rate will have fallen to about 0. 64 percent annually. At that time more than 50 countries will experience negative growth. __________________________________________. The worlds heaviest rainfall is about 10,922 mm per year. It occurs in northeastern India. As much as 26,466 mm, or 26 m, of rain have fallen there in one year. Other extreme rainfall records include nearly 1168 mm of rain in one day during a typhoon in Philippines; 304. 8 mm within one hour during a thunderstorm in Missouri; and 62. 7 mm in over a 5-min period in Panama. HOW TO WRITE SUPPORTING SENTENCES The biggest problem in student writing is that student writers often fail to support their ideas adequately. They need to use specific details to be thorough and convincing. There are several kinds of specific supporting details: examples, statistics, and quotations. Sample paragraph: HOW TO WRITE CONCLUDING SENTENCES: A concluding sentence serves two purposes: 1. It signals the end of the paragraph. 2. It leaves the reader with the most important ideas to remember. It can do this in two ways: a) By summarizing the main points of the paragraph. b) By repeating the topic sentence in different ways. You may start your concluding sentence with one of those signals: End-of-paragraph signals followed by a comma| End-of-paragraph signals not followed by a comma| Finally, Lastly, In brief, Therefore, Thus, Indeed, To sum up. In conclusion,In short, | The evidence suggests that†¦. There can be no doubt that †¦These examples show that †¦We can see that †¦. | Now it’s your turn. Write concluding sentences for the follwing paragraps: **************************************************************************** Read the two paragraphs below and answer the questions that follow each paragraph: PARAGRAPH 1 To be able to make good coffee, you should be aware of some delicate points. First, it is very important to make sure that the pot in which you want to make coffee is clean. Dust can make your coffee bad. Second, pour some clean water into the pot, and let it boil. When the water boils, remove the pot from the stove and let it remain still for a few seconds. Next, pour some instant coffee into a cup and fill the cup with water from the pot. The Lavazza brand is the best instant coffee on the market. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph? What are the controlling ideas in the topic sentence? Circle them. Are all the supporting sentences related to the topic sentence? Are any of the sentences indirectly related to the topic sentence? Are there any sentences that do not belong? PARAGRAPH 2 An ideal husband has several characteristics. First, he must be gentle. Second, he must come from a respectable family. Moreover, he must be an honest man who always tells the truth and never cheats his wife. Loyalty is another important point in an ideal husband. Finally, he must be in an acceptable financial situation. All girls like to live in their husbands personal house, go to work in their husbands personal car, and have fun with their husbands money. What is the topic sentence of the second paragraph? What are the controlling ideas in the topic sentence? Circle them. Are all the supporting sentences related to the topic sentence? Are any of the sentences indirectly related to the topic sentence? Are there any sentences that dont belong? Why dont they fit? THE OUTLINE The outline gives you a general plan for your paragraph. It will tell you what points you should include in your paragraph. There are two types of outlines: topic outline, and sentence outline. In topic outlines, you use phrases after each head number. In sentence outlines, however, you use complete sentences after each head number. The outline belowâ€â€the plays of Shakespeareâ€â€is a topic outline. As you can see, only words or phrases have been used in this outline. Notice that in writing courses, topic outlines are often preferred over sentence outlines. Developing the skill of outlining is a good help for any beginner. Outlining can give you a general plan, a platform, an emblem, or a blueprint. You can then use your outline to give organization to your paragraphs. Suppose that you are asked to write about Shakespeare. Shakespeare will be the subject of your writing. Now, it is for you to decide what to write about Shakespeare. You may decide to write about the plays of Shakespeare. This will be the topic of your paragraph. You should then narrow this topic by a number of controlling ideas. Suppose that you decide to write about three types of Shakespeares plays. You have limited your topic in terms of number and type. Now you can make the following outline: The plays of Shakespeare I. Tragedies A. Macbeth B. Othello II. Comedies A. The comedy of errors B. The merchant of Venice III. Histories A. Richard II B. Henry V This outline can then be expanded into the following paragraph: The plays of Shakespeare can be classified into three types. First, there are the tragedies. Two of his most famous tragedies are Macbeth and Othello. Shakespeare has also written a number of comedies. Shakespeares most outstanding comedies are The comedy of errors and The merchant of Venice. Moreover, some of Shakespeares plays focus on history. Richard II and Henry V belong in this category. EXERCISE 1. Read the following paragraph carefully, and: 1. Underline the topic. 2. Circle the controlling ideas. . Write an outline for the paragraph. Forests may be divided into the following six general types. First, there are the forests of the hot areas. The famous subtypes are the forests of the northern hemisphere and the oceanic forests. Second, monsoon forests are characteristic of Bengal, Myanmar, Southeast Asia, and India. Tropical forests, on the other hand, are found in regions such as the Campos of Brazil. The next ca tegoryâ€â€Northern pine forestsâ€â€form a worldwide belt around the earth. Next, rain forests are characteristic of central Africa and the Amazon. Finally, evergreen forests are found in North America and the Caribbean islands. 2. Write a unified paragraph on the basis of the information you get from the following outline. Types of trees I. Fruit trees A. Fleshy fruits 1. Orange 2. Apple B. Dry fruits 1. Nuts 2. Almond II. Fruitless tress A. Pine B. Oak STEPS OF WRITING A GOOD PARAGRAPH On the whole, there are eight steps for writing a good paragraph. 1. Think about the subject carefully. Example: Air pollution 2. Narrow the subject to a few topics. Example: Causes of air pollution Effects of air pollution Air pollution and the environment Air pollution versus water pollution The history of air pollution Air pollution and global warming 3. Choose one of the topics. Make sure you know about what you write. Also, make sure the topic will be of interest to the readers. Example: effects of Air pollution 4. List some details about your topic. Example: Effects of air pollution on animal life Effects of air pollution on plant life Effects of air pollution on human health Effects of air pollution on atmosphere 5. Choose the most important detail you want to communicate. It should be interesting or important to the readers too. Example: The effects of air pollution on human health 6. Write a topic sentence based on this detail. Include a few controlling ideas in the topic sentence to limit the size of your paragraph. Example: Air pollution has two major effects on human health. 7. Make an outline for the paragraph. Effects of air pollution on human health I. Physical effects A. Heart attack B. Lung cancer II. Psychological effects A. Depression B. irritation 8. Write your paragraph, using the information you have listed in the outline. EXERCISE 1. Choose one of the following subjects: coin airplane shark sea . Follow the eight steps of paragraph writing and develop a paragraph. Then read your own paragraph and try to answer these questions: 1. Is my paragraph unified? 2. Is it complete? 3. Which sentence is the most general? 4. Which sentences provide specific details to support the topic sentence? 5. Are any sentences unrelated to the topic sentence? 6. Is my paragraph sketchy? 7. What are the controlling ideas of my topic sentence? 8. Is my paragraph interesting? 9. Are my supporting sentences related to my topic sentence? 10. Is there any irrelevant supporting sentence in my paragraph?
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
10 Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Biomedical Physiology
10 Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Biomedical Physiology The field of biomedical physiology is certainly one that will interest the average person looking to know more about the functions of living organisms, their parts and the effects of the environment on these living organisms. Therefore, if you are interested in knowing how living things function, then a cause and effect essay on biomedical physiology will definitely be right up your alley. This article is intended to serve as a study aid for anyone given the responsibility of writing about biomedical physiology and this fact book will consist of 10 important facts on biomedical physiology that you can use in developing an academic essay. To further simplify your academic task two extra materials discussing essay writing in the field of biomedical physiology will also be added. Biomedical physiology has been a part of the medical revolution. With advances in medicine and an excellent understanding of how the human body functions, the field of biomedical physiology has provided enough details for the creation of functioning artificial organs. In 1993, the first bionic arm was created in Edinburgh and this has paved the way for more inventions in biomedicine. Biomedical physiology shows that the Human body is subject to only 3 types of pressure. In physiology terms, the human body faces pressure from three sources: the weight of the atmosphere, hydrostatic forces from the weight of water and mechanical pressure from human organs such as the heart and other muscles. An understanding of these forces is important for the creation of human organs and artificial limbs. Biomedical physiology and biomedical engineering are complementary fields. The biomedical engineering field has gained a lot from the discoveries from the field of biomedical physiology. This is due to the fact that biomedical physiology has helped engineer truly understand how organs function and the forces that affect them. This knowledge has been put to use in the creation of prosthetics, dental fissures and artificial organs by biomedical engineers. The human body is a cell factory. Starting from a single foetus cell, the human body grows into producing approximately 25 million cells on a daily basis. Physiology also goes forward to show that the average human sheds all his or her skin every 27 days while the growing process occur simultaneously with skin shedding. As time goes, the human body is genetically conditioned to drastically reduce the amount of cell it produces as we age. The heart is the most powerful organ in humans. The human heart exerts enough power to lift a 1-ton weight approximately 40ft of the ground. And it needs to be that powerful for it pumps red blood cells 12,000miles around the human body. Also, the square inch of human tissue contains 20 feet of blood vessels with the average tissue containing 2,000 to 3,000 capillaries. The human body’s machinery copes with heat through adaptation. It is common knowledge that during the early days of summer, the human body struggles with the heat but acclimatized as time goes on. This phenomenon is known as heat acclimatization and physiology shows the mechanism behind it involves the body producing more volume of blood to transfer the heat quickly to the skin in order for evaporation to occur. This is why the use of skin grafting is the best technique for replacing lost human skin. Biomedical physiology has played a part in developing corrective surgical equipment. A thorough understanding of the body due to biomedical physiology has led to advances in corrective surgery. These advances can be seen in colonoscopy procedures, laser surgery, automated insulin pumps and other biomedical devices. Understanding human physiology and how the body reacts to external factors help scientist build comfortable equipment for invasive surgeries. The human body is constantly in motion. The human body is constantly in motion regardless of if you place yourself in a prone position. This fact is due to the muscles contained in it. The biggest worker by far, in terms of movement, is the extraocular muscles which approximately 100,000 times a day. This physiology discovery has also played a part in advancing biomedicine as biomedical scientist take muscular movement into consideration when treating patients or inventing new organs, prosthetics and devices for the human body. The field of Biomedical Physiology is populated by women. Statistics show that biomedicine and biomedical physiology to be precise is a quite attractive professional field for women. This statistics put the number of women studying biomedical physiology at 2 in every 3 students. This is due to the fact that many programs in the biomedical field offer good incentives to learn as well as further one’s education in the field. Currently, may tertiary programs offer women the chance to study for a joint bachelor’s and master’s degree in biomedical physiology and this has proven to be quite attractive to students. Biomedical physiology has a bright future. Today biomedical scientists are taking on more important challenges that have the ability to revolutionize medicine and the human standard of living. These great strides are in the field of regeneration for spinal injuries, cellular regeneration to stall aging and developing human tissues and organs that can help with life-threatening injuries. To accomplish this, the use of stem cells, 3D printing, gel-like cushions and other devices are been employed to accomplish the biomedical revolution. Here we come to the end of the top important facts on biomedical physiology and as stated earlier, extra materials will be provided for further reading and these materials include an article on 20 topics for a cause and effect essay on biomedical physiology as well as a tutorial on the making of a cause and effect essay on biomedical physiology. We believe these three articles could be beneficial in teaching you how to write a cause and effect paper as well as discuss the field of biomedical physiology using sample essays and facts. References: Gueye, P. (2014). Physiology, Biophysics, and Biomedical Engineering. Medical Physics, 41(3), p.037302. Boron, W. (2010). Sustainability in Biomedical Research. Physiology, 25(4), Pg.200-202. Grocott, M. Montgomery, H. (2012). Extreme Physiology Medicine: a new journal focussed on integrative human physiology under stress. Extreme Physiology Medicine. Singer, D. (2013). Physiology and Pathophysiology of Thermoregulation in the Neonate. Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik. Andresen, P. (2013). Stress Corrosion Cracking of Current Structural Materials in Commercial Nuclear Power Plants. Avrorin, E. and Chebeskov, A. (2015). Fast Reactors and Nuclear Non-proliferation Problem. Nuclear Energy and Technology,Pg 1-7. Pokhmurskyi, V. Chervinska, N. (1998). Corrosion Problems and Corrosion Protection of Materials â€Å"Corrosion-98†. Materials Science Pg, 444-446.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Movies Adapted From James Patterson Books
Movies Adapted From James Patterson Books James Patterson is an American author best known for his compelling books. His works tend to fall into the young adult fiction, thriller, and romance categories. With such exciting plots, many of his books have been turned into movies. For James Patterson book fans interested in watching a movie adaptation, or for those who would rather experience a story through film rather than text, here is a list of James Patterson movies by year. Kiss the Girls (1997) The protagonist is Alex Cross, a sharp Washington D.C. cop, and forensic psychologist. His niece is kidnapped and held captive by a serial killer by the name of Cassanova. One of his victims who escaped, Kate, joins forces with Alex to find his niece. Starring Morgan Freeman and Ashley Judd, this crime-mystery thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat. Miracle on the 17th Green (1999) This sports drama revolves around the game of golf. Mitch loses his job, and rather than find another job at age 50, he decides to compete on the senior golf tour. But this decision affects his home life, as his wife and family start to feel neglected. Along Came a Spider (2001) Another movie in the Alex Cross series, Morgan Freeman returns as the titular psychologist and detective. Alex loses his partner on the job. Experiencing insurmountable guilt, he retires from working in the field. That is until a senators daughter is kidnapped and the criminal will only deal with Alex. First to Die (2003) Homicide inspector Lindsay Boxer is dealing with a lot. In the case of her career, her team successfully captures a serial killer but she also finds herself falling for her partner. All the while, she is secretly handling a life-threatening disease. Suzannes Diary for Nicholas (2005) Christina Applegate stars as Dr. Suzanne Bedord in this romance-drama. Suzanne discovers the truth about her former lover in a round-about way- through the diary that his first wife wrote to their son. Sundays at Tiffanys (2010) Jane is about to get married to TV star, Hugh. But not all is happy and well. In fact, Hugh is only using Jane to get a lead role in a movie and Janes mother is very controlling. Janes childhood imaginary friend, Michael, reappears in her life. In fact, Michael is a guardian angel that is sent to help neglected children until they turn 9-years-old. This is the first time Michael meets with one of his kids when they are adults. Maximum Ride (2016) This action-thriller follows six kids, who arent really human. They are human-avian hybrids bred in a lab which they escaped from and now hide-out in the mountains. When the youngest is kidnapped, everyone else tries to get her back and learn secrets about their enigmatic past in the process.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Managerial Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Managerial Decision Making - Essay Example Therefore, this report seeks to discuss how employee empowerment is essential for the employees themselves and how it is a good business to the organization (Farheen & Sidrah, 2011). It also gives the reason as to why employees must be empowered. First, an organization has to give up some of its power in favor of employee autonomy. This will give employees a sense of free environment in contributing ideas and methods by which they will fulfill their tasks. Secondly, invite feedback from employees by installing a suggestion box (Huq, 2010). By doing so, an organization will understand how best to aid their empowerment. Thirdly, opening doors to employees and asking for opinions in meetings will help employees know that they are cared about and that their opinion matter to the organization. In addition, promote employee education by allowing them to get the necessary education. Also, arrange for them to attend career development seminars. By so doing, the organization gains employee loyalty and improve employee performance (Farheen & Sidrah, 2011). Lastly, acknowledging employee achievements by recognizing and congratulating employees on a good job done. This will motivate employees to improve their responsibilities and work m uch harder to deliver efficient and effective outcomes. Employee empowerment is very important to the employees because firstly it brings satisfaction and motivation leading to increased productivity (Sandri, 2011). Secondly, freedom of expression will lead to creativity and innovation. Thirdly, the employees will feel efficient and there will be a lesser need of supervision. Hence this tool of not being supervised, gives employees a freelance attitude and they become more customer friendly, which is a big boost to an organization. Lastly, empowerment will create a sense of ownership hence encouraging employees become more enterprenual. Research has shown that empowering employees is the best
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Epistemology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Epistemology - Essay Example By being â€Å"in the head†, do we mean, for instance, that what we call the â€Å"mind†is actually just the brain and consequently that what we call â€Å"mental states†are nothing but the physical states of the brain? If this is the case, we should then in principle be able to tell a person’s thoughts simply by examining the physical states of his or her brain, but this is, if not utterly improbable, a possibility that in the immediate future is least likely to materialize. Or perhaps we mean that the mind is something other than the brain but in some special way is related to the brain, like that it is through the brain that the mind affects our behaviors. But what kind of entity is the mind, if at all it is an entity, if it is not the brain? There are two general kinds of existence under which any conception of how the mind exists can be classified; namely, physical existence and metaphysical existence. By â€Å"physical existence†we mean the kind of existence that lends itself to empirical observation and quantitative measurements while by â€Å"metaphysical existence,†we mean the kind of existence that does not. ... For my purpose, I shall focus on the materialist views of the mind, for it is here where we can differentiate the mind from the brain. As we shall see later, there are variations of this view, for there are different ways in which the mind can be said to exist physically. Thus, I shall examine the basic claims and arguments under the materialist view of the mind upon addressing the main issue of this paper, i.e. is the mind nothing but the brain? The Materialist View The materialist views are divided into non-realist physicalism and realist physicalism. The issue between these two types of materialism concerns the reality of mental states in relation to the reality of the physical states of the brain or of the body: whether there really are no mental states and hence there are only these physical states or there really are mental states in addition to these physical states. Accordingly, non-realist physicalism rejects the existence of mental states and claims that there exist only th e physical states of the brain or of the body; while realist physicalism affirms the reality of mental states in addition to the reality of the physical states of the brain. For non-realist physicalism, I shall examine the views of behaviorism and identity theory. And for realist physicalism, I shall examine the views of functionalism and computationalism. Afterwards, I shall present my own argument as to which among the said arguments best prove the nature of the mind’s existence. Behaviorism Behaviorism is generally regarded as the view that reduces mental states to the physical states of the body or, more precisely, to the body’s behaviors (Kim 1998, p. 24-46). This view is also often expressed as the view that claims that mental states are nothing but
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Game and Basketball Essay Example for Free
Game and Basketball Essay Have you ever wondered what basketball is like? Basketball can vary from being very intense and physical, while other time it is very easy. Basketball is a very exhausting sport. You can feel your muscles being pulled in every direction. You feel like you cant move when the season first starts. During a gamer you can hear the crowd cheering you on. You can smell the popcorn all around the gym as people eat it. You can feel the sweat pouring down your face as you run up and down the court. Your feet start to ache as you run. When you hear the buzzer at the end of the game, you look up to see how many points are on the board. Many players struggle to get the ball during a jump ball. When players are hit hard during a game, the referee will call a fould. Basketball gives people this unknown amount of energy during a game. When your in the stands during a game you can feel the excitement coming from all of the fans. Basketball can be played inside or outside. You can find most teens around here playing it almost all of the time. If you want to be good at the sport you need to have a passion for learning it. Basketball is an excellent way to get in shape or to stay in shape. Basketball will always be a sport to play no matter what season it is. If you look in a gym at a school you should find a court and hoops. Basketball is a way to keep you out of trouble. When you sweat, it runs down your face into your eyes and makes them burn like crazy. Basketball could be a wonderful sport for everyone to play, but many will not play the sport. Basketball is played worldwide. It is played in almost every country. Basketball will be around for many centuries to come. Almost everyone enjoys the sport, whether they are playing or watching. Basketball has been passed down to different generations through out the years. It has had the rules of it changed many times. Basketball is even an excellent way to make memories with your friends. Basketball will be passed on until the end of time, well at least it might be.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Samuel Becketts Waiting for Godot as Criticism of Christianity :: Waiting for Godot Essays
Waiting for Godot: Clear Criticism of Christianity       Samuel Beckett may have denied the use of Christian mythology in Waiting for Godot, but the character of Lucky proves otherwise. We can read Lucky as a symbolic figure of Christ, and, as such, his actions in the play carry a criticism of Christianity, suggesting that the merits of Christianity have decreased to the point where they no longer help man at all.     The parallels between Christ and Lucky are strong. Lucky, chained with a rope, is the humiliated prisoner, much like Jesus was the prisoner of the Romans after Judas turned him in. Estragon beats, curses, and spits on Lucky exactly as the Roman treated Jesus when preparing him for crucifixion. Lucky carries the burden of Pozzo's bags like a perpetual cross, and he is being led to a public fair where he will be mocked and sold; the Romans paraded Jesus on the hill where for public scorn. As Jesus fell three times under the weight of his burden, Lucky falls many times with the weight of the luggage, stool, coat, and picnic basket. Furthermore, Estragon wipes Lucky's eyes-like Veronica wiped Jesus' face-so he will "feel less forsaken" (p. 21b), which alludes directly to Jesus' cry from the cross: "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" [My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?] (Mark 15:34). Lucky slowly chokes as the rope cuts into his neck; crucifixion su ffocated Jesus.     Pozzo, paraphrasing Estragon's question, then asks a rhetorical question concerning Lucky: "Why he doesn't make himself comfortable?" (p.21a).  This question refers specifically to the taunt spectators hurled at Jesus, "Save yourself, why don't you? Come down off the cross if you are God's son," and refers generally to Christ's mission of suffering on earth (Matthew 26:40). Pozzo replies that Lucky doesn't want to drop the luggage because "he wants to mollify me, so that I will give up the idea of parting with him," and Lucky "imagines that when I see how well he carries I'll be tempted to keep him on in that capacity" (p. 21a). Likewise, Jesus believed that he had to carry out his burden-crucifixion-to awaken man's faith in God for time to come. Jesus commissioned his apostles to "make disciples of all nations...teach them to carry out everything I have commanded you. And always know that I am with you" (Matthew 28:18-20). Jesus wanted hum anity to act in his own memory, or to keep himself on in that capacity, which was that of teacher, comforter, and ultimately deliverer of salvation.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
A Famous Metaphysical Poet Essay
Andrew Marvell was a famous Metaphysical Poet. Marvell lived from 1621 to 1678 and made a few accomplishments, his poem has unique style and theme for his time, and his poem contains a deep analysis. He wrote several love poems; â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†was one of his most unusual poems for the time in history which he lived. Born on March 31, 1621, in Winestead-in-Holderness, Yorkshire, England Marvell was the son of an Anglican clergy man. He attended Hull Grammar school, and at the age of 12 began college at Cambridge University. He earned his bachelor’s degree in 1638, but it is believed that he stayed at Cambridge until 1641 for a master’s degree. Not much is known about Andrew Marvell’s life; though scholars do know in the 1650s he had a part in the English Government. In 1657 He was appointed Assistant Latin Secretary to the Council of the state; in 1659 he concentrated more on political satire and stopped writing poetry. During Marvell’s life time England’s government had some surprising changes. Monarchy and parliament worked together, but King James I did not have the skill to manage a country, but the government gained more issues when his son, Charles I succeeded him. King Charles I was overthrown and beheaded. England wanted to establish a new government, after doing so; Charles II was made King of England. Marvell died on August 16, 1678 due to a fever. â€Å"While he is not thought to be married, shortly after his death, a woman claiming to be his widow published a volume of his poetry†(Ruby 276). He was one of the chief wits and satirists, a Puritan, and a public defender of individual liberty during his time. Today he is just known for his poetry. (Margoliouth, Sackville-West, Hunt, Murray, Toliver, Legouis, Wallace, Friednreich, Donno. 1) In the 1600s Marvell’s poem â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†was seen as â€Å"obscene and obscure†because of his message in the poem, and the control the church had over the people. Marvell is considered to have been a carpe diem writer, and sometimes described as a metaphysical poet. Carpe diem means the writing style encourages a reader to â€Å"seize the day†because life is short; Metaphysical poets use many unique metaphors and were very appreciated for their originality. Jeffrey Karon states â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†may be one of Marvell’s most destructive poems. â€Å"Its strength is that having turned against itself in the expected manner of ironic poems, it then turns against its own internal objections†(Karon par. 39). In the poem, the speaker describes how he could worship his mistress forever; however part two the tone shifts to time rushing past and the mistress’s physical beauty being wasted away with it. The speaker wants to beat time and enjoy his mistress’s company. There are many different themes in â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†such as time, love, passion, seduction, beauty, and death. This poem is of forty-six lines, and three paragraphs dividing up the rhyming couplets. Marvell used personification, hyperboles, and very bizarre metaphors. The speaker is speaking to his mistress in a rhetorical situation. He passionately describes his love for her and there is not enough time to live to show her how beautiful she is, and how great his love is for her. He wants his love with his mistress to go further by getting intimate with each other, although she wants to save her virginity due to her religious views with the church. He informs her if their love is true and they are in love, they should further their relationship. The woman is said to be coy because she is taking too much time, and time doesn’t stop for anyone. â€Å"’To His Coy Mistress’ is a sublime example of a carpe diem poem, a Latin phrase meaning ‘seize the day’†(Adams par. 8). The first two lines of the poem the main theme, time, is introduced to the reader. It is basically saying life passes quickly and one should not waste their youth, that they should â€Å"seize the day. †The first paragraph of the poem the speaker describes how life is too short for them to waste time. He uses exotic metaphors such as, â€Å"vegetable love†to describe how long he could love his mistress. Beginning at line seven until line eighteen he uses hyperboles to describe the amount of years he could love her and devote to worship her. He describes her physical attractiveness and how long he could love every part of her body and of course her heart. In paragraph two the speaker goes from speaking of his love for his mistress to imagining her grave. He speaks of time as the driver in a chariot hurrying closer to them; he uses â€Å"hurrying†to the show the distress of the little time they have. A few lines down in this paragraph, he describes to his mistress her virginity will eventually over time mean nothing, and when she dies it will be an unusual and worthless treasure. In the first few lines of third and final paragraph the speaker describes his mistress as â€Å"morning dew†saying she is young and her skin a healthy glow just like the dew over the grass in the early morning. Another exotic metaphor he uses is â€Å"birds of prey. †He and his mistress are the birds, and they are preying on time. They want to eat and not be eaten. The speaker finally breaks through and wins his mistress over using the last few lines of the poem. He is saying to her they should take every part of themselves, the strong, the sweet, and the vulnerable, roll it up into a ball and come together as one to beat time. Since they cannot make the sun stay still they will race with him, the speaker using personification and making the sun seem like a person literally racing with him. Marvell was not acknowledged for his unique, but brilliant poems until after his death, he changed the meaning of Metaphysical Poet. Marvell made a few accomplishments, his poems usually had unique style and theme for his time, and his poem contains a deep analysis. This could be a perfect poem for someone interested in love poems with deep meaning.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Diffrent Type of Doctors
Different Types of Doctors and What They Do The world is Mother Nature's marvel that is blessed with different wonders of the natural world like the human body system. But, with every blessing comes a curse and this curse that plagues the living world is diseases. There are different diseases and disorders that are either due to microorganisms, parasites, non-functioning of different organs in the body, biochemical imbalances, genetic or hereditary problems, etc. Many times, people suffer from different kinds of accidents- natural and man-made, gunshots, stabbing wounds, burns, and many other innovative types of grievous injuries.These different medical problems are taken care of by different types of doctors, according to their field of specialization. There are hundreds of examples around the world, where doctors have been able to pull men out of the jaws of death with their medical expertise. If you too want to face different medical challenges, then the following list of differen t types of doctors and their specialty, will help you find a foothold in the medical world. Audiologists: These doctors help patients with different ear problems and help children who are either deaf or mute to learn to communicate.Allergist: These doctors help in treating different kinds of allergies and immune system disorders like hay fever, asthma, etc. Andrologist: The andrologist helps in diagnosing and treating disorders related to the male reproductive system. Anesthesiologist: They study and administer anesthesia and anesthetic medicines that helps in facilitating treatment, diagnosis of medical conditions and complete minor and major surgeries without the patient having to feel more than the prick of the anesthetic needle.Cardiologist: These are doctors of the heart that diagnose and treat heart diseases and cardiovascular diseases. Dentist: Perhaps one of the most feared doctors of all is the dentist due to their tooth extraction habits! These doctors are concerned with d ental health, teeth and dental problems like cavities and bleeding gums. They treat gum diseases, straighten teeth, carry out root canals, etc. . Dermatologist: A dermatologist studies the skin, its structure, functions, and diseases, as well as its appendages (nails, hair, sweat glands) and reats the related ailments. Endocrinologist: A doctor who studies disorders of the endocrine system and their glands, like thyroid problems and other such hormonal imbalances and the specific secretions of hormones is what entails an endocrinologist job description. Epidemiologist: Epidemiologist are the doctors who are also known as ‘disease detectives'. They carry out study of diseases and come up with ways of prevention of diseases through vaccinations, etc.Family Practitioner: These are your friendly neighborhood doctors who are general physicians, and treat patients of all ages ; medical non-emergency conditions usually in a clinic. Gastroenterologist: A doctor that studies diseases o f digestive system and gives treatment related to the gasteroenterlogy. Gynecologists: The doctor who studies and treats diseases of the female reproductive system. Hematologist: A hematologist studies blood and its diseases. Hepatologist: A hepatologist studies and treats diseases of the liver.Immunologist: The doctor who studies all aspects of the immune system in all organisms and gives treatment to diseases of the immune system. Infectious Disease Specialists: The doctors who study ; treat diseases that are caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and are usually based within the hospital. These doctors are involved in a lot of research work. Internal Medicine Specialists: These doctors provide diagnosis, management and nonsurgical treatment of unusual or serious diseases and are usually found working in hospitals as intensivists.Internists: These doctors focus on adult medicine and have completed a special study related to the prevention and treatment of adult diseases. M edical Geneticist: A medical geneticist is the doctor that carries out studies, tests, treatments and counseling patients with genetic diseases. Microbiologists: A microbiologist studies causes, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. Neonatologist: The neonatologist is the doctor that provides medical care to premature and critically ill newborn babies. Nephrologist: The doctor who treats kidney diseases and problems.Neurologist: These are doctors who treat one of the most delicate and important organs of the body, the brain. They treat conditions like seizures, strokes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, etc. Neurosurgeon: These are surgeons who treat central and peripheral nervous system diseases that can be cured or controlled to some extent with mechanical intervention. Obstetrician: This is a part of gynecology and the doctors are experts with childbirth, C-sections, gynecological surgeries like hysterectomy, surgical removal of ovarian tumors, examination of the pelvic region, PAP smears, prenatal care, etc.Oncologist: An oncologist job description entails treating cancer patients. Ophthalmologist: The doctor that takes care of eyes and treats various eye problems and performs different eye surgeries. Orthopedic Surgeons: The doctor who is concerned with the skeletal system of the human body, that is, bones. These doctors make no bones about broken, fractured or arthritis struck bones! ENT specialists: An ENT specialist treats the Ear, the Nose and the Throat, as well as to some extent some ailments of the head and the neck. This field is also known as otolaryngology.Perinatologist: The doctor who is an expert in caring and treating high risk pregnancies. Paleopathologist: These doctors are into the study of ancient diseases. Parasitologist: The study of parasites, their biology and pathology, as well as the parasitic diseases caused by them is carried out by a parasitologist. Pathologists: The study of abnormalities in living organisms, diagnosing disea ses and conditions from tissue samples like blood or biopsy samples. They also work as medical examiners ; carry out autopsies to determine the cause of death.These doctors usually do not come in contact with the patients directly as their work is mostly lab work. They are therefore called a ‘doctor's doctor' as they speak to doctors of the patients rather than the patient himself. There are many doctors who specialize in forensic pathology and help the police and FBI solve crimes. Pediatricians: A pediatrician is the doctor who studies and treats medical problems of infants, children, and adolescents. Physiologists: A physiologist is a life science doctor who specializes in physiology.Physiatrist: The doctor whose specialty is treatment and rehabilitation of patients with illness or injuries affecting their nerves, muscles, and bones. They basically help people overcome their movement limitations due to an underlying illness or injury. Plastic Surgeon: A plastic surgeon is th e doctor who can literally change the life and look of a patient. He performs cosmetic surgery to repair skin and structural problems that may alter the personality of the patient for good. Podiatrists: The doctor who studies and treats disorders of the foot and ankle.Psychiatrists: These doctors specialize in psychiatry, that is, a branch of medicine concerned with the study, diagnoses and treatment of mental illness and behavioral disorders. Pulmonologist: The doctor who diagnoses and treats lung conditions and treatments and even manages critical care patients admitted in the ICU and those that are on ventilator support. Radiologists: The study of medical use of X-rays or other imaging technologies for diagnoses and treatment of disease is carried out by a radiologist.Rheumatologist: These doctors treat allergic conditions & autoimmune disorders. Surgeons: A surgeon performs operations, related to different sub-specialties of medicine like general surgery, neurosurgery, cardiovas cular, cardiothoracic surgery, ENT, maxillo-facial surgery, plastic surgery, oral surgery, transplant surgery, urology, etc. Urologists: The urologist is a doctor who studies the urinary system and treats urinary tract infections. Emergency Doctors: Emergency doctors are those who offer their services in the emergency room (ER) and are on call 24/7.They treat various emergency cases that vary from poisoning, broken bones, burns, heart attack, and anything and everything that can be termed as a medical emergency. Veterinarian: Although, all the above fields are concerned with human treatment, the veterinarian is also a type of doctor and treat animals. They take care of different diseases of the animal world. There are different types of doctors within the field of animal medicine and like human doctors, the veterinarian too has his field of expertise in case of animal problems.This was some medical career information related to different types of doctors and their related line of wo rk. There are over 50 to 60 specialties of medicine and each specialty has different types of related doctors with varying salaries. You need to understand your area of interest and then choose your line of specialty as a career. I hope this article on different types of doctors and what they do has helped you find your field of interest.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Essays
The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Essays The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Paper The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Paper Essay Topic: Invisible Monsters â€Å"In the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was ‘Arrrgh! ’†. These famous lines taken from Piraticus 13:7 are the first words you will see in the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Many do not know what exactly Pastafarianism is, and so I am here to spread the Word! Pastafarians stand for all that is good, and are against all that is bad. What more could someone ask for? The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, while having existed in secrecy for millions of years only recently came into the mainstream in May of 2005. But what do they stand for, and what exactly are their beliefs? In May of 2005, an open letter to the Kansas School Board from concerned citizen Bobby Henderson sparked the mass intro of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster into our society. Some claimed that the church is purely a thought experiment, satire, illustrating that Intelligent Design is not science, but rather a pseudoscience manufactured by Christians to push Creationism into public schools. But Bobby knew better, and wrote his letter to express his concern. In the words of Bobby Henderson himself, â€Å"With millions, if not thousands, of devout worshippers, the Church of the FSM is widely considered a legitimate religion, even by its opponents – mostly fundamentalist Christians, who have accepted that our God has larger balls than theirs. †A lot of people can’t bring themselves to understand this religion. Before I delve farther into what exactly this religion is, I would like to share what they consider the basic beliefs that they all share. By design, the only dogma allowed in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is that there is no dogma allowed. There are absolutely no strict rules and regulations, there are no written rituals and prayers that must be abided by, and every single member gets a say in what the Church is and what it becomes. Due to this, the religion is actually quite difficult to clearly define what the religion is. According to them, they have a set of general beliefs that are as follows. First, they believe that pirates, the original pastafarians, were simply peaceful explorers and that due to Christian misinformation, they received an outlook of outcast criminals. To them, this is completely untrue. Next, they are extremely fond of beer and other alcoholic beverages. To them, this is basically the equivalent of holy water. Every single Friday is a religious holiday and is to be treated as such. Another belief is that they should never take themselves too seriously. This religion wasn’t founded by a group of â€Å"uptight†individuals. Finally, they embrace contradictions. These aforementioned aspects are considered the core beliefs of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. The central belief is that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe after drinking heavily. According to these beliefs, the Monsters intoxication was the cause for a flawed Earth. Furthermore, according to Pastafarianism, all evidence for evolution was planted by the Flying Spaghetti Monster in an effort to test Pastafarians faith- parodying certain biblical literalists. When scientific measurements such as radiocarbon dating are taken, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is there changing the results with His Noodly Appendage. The Pastafarian conception of Heaven includes a beer volcano and a stripper factory. The Pastafarian Hell is similar, except that the beer is stale and the strippers have sexually transmitted diseases. According to Pastafarian beliefs, pirates are absolute divine beings and the original Pastafarians. Furthermore, Pastafarians believe that pirates image as thieves and outcasts is misinformation spread by Christian theologians in the Middle Ages and by Hare Krishna’s. Instead, Pastafarians believe that they were peace-loving explorers and spreaders of good will who distributed candy to small children, adding that modern pirates are in no way similar to the fun-loving buccaneers from history. In addition, Pastafarians believe that ghost pirates are responsible for all of the mysteriously lost ships and planes of the Bermuda Triangle. Pastafarians celebrate International Talk like a Pirate Day on September 19th. The inclusion of pirates in Pastafarianism was part of Hendersons original letter to the Kansas State Board of Education, in an effort to illustrate that†correlation does not imply causation†. Henderson presented the argument that global warming, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are a direct effect of the shrinking numbers of pirates since the 1800s.  A chart accompanying the letter shows that as the number of pirates decreased, global temperatures increased. This parodies the suggestion from some religious groups that the high numbers of disasters, famines and wars in the world is due to the lack of respect and worship towards their deity. In 2008, Henderson interpreted the growing pirate activities at the Gulf of Ade n as additional support, pointing out that Somalia has the highest number of pirates and the lowest carbon emissions of any country. There are 7 occurrences of celebration within the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. The first is Pastover, in which pastafarians around the world are encouraged to eat copious amounts of pasta which is cooked â€Å"in his image†by family members dressed as pirates. A common practice on this day is the passing of the eye patch, in which each family member takes turn wearing the eye patch and explains why he/she is happy to have been â€Å"touched by his noodly appendages†. Next is Ramendan, in which pastafarians are encouraged to eat only ramen noodles and remember their times of eating quality pasta. Then there’s Halloween, a time of remembrance of when Pirates walked the earth freely. A little known fact is that pirates were well known for passing out candy on this day but the practice dwindled as they became more and more persecuted. Next, on September 19th, is International Talk like a Pirate Day, in which pastafarians everywhere are encouraged to return to their pirate ancestor’s native tongue. Another important holiday is Friday. Every Friday, to be exact, is a holiday to the Pastafarians. On this day, they are to pay homage to their beer volcanoes and stripper factories. Finally is Holiday, which basically covers all the commercial holidays. To be a world religion, there are seven things that generally must be met. The first is the experiential aspect in which you look at what that started it all. Although the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster has existed for â€Å"millions, if not thousands†of years, the main point that brought it into the mainstream was Bobby Henderson’s letter to the Kansas School Board expressing his concern about their denial of his alternative theory. From that point on, Pastafarianism exploded into the mainstream, and since then it has only expanded and grown. In fact, according to them, you don’t even have to actually believe in the FSM to be a member. In their own words, â€Å"For the same reason that many in other religions don’t literally believe their scripture, you can be a Pastafarian without being a True Believer of our scripture. In other words, do you know Christians who don’t take the Bible literally – but who consider themselves True Christians, nonetheless? So do I. In fact, True Belief is not often a requirement of religion. Most religions are comprised of a group of people with similar – but not exact – world views. Pastafarianism is no different in that regard. †Next is the aspect involving myth. Here, we examine the storied that aren’t necessarily true scientifically, but convey important truths about life. One example of this is the FSM story of creationism. The story begins with the creation of the universe by an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster. On the first day, the Flying Spaghetti Monster separated the water from the heavens; on the second, because He could not tread water for long and had grown tired of flying, He created the land- complemented by a beer volcano. Satisfied, the Flying Spaghetti Monster overindulged in beer from the beer volcano and woke up hung over. Between drunken nights and clumsy afternoons, the Flying Spaghetti Monster produced seas and land for a second time, accidentally, because he forgot that he created it the day before along with Heaven and a midget, which he named Man. Man and an equally short woman lived happily in the Olive Garden of Eden for some time until the Flying Spaghetti Monster caused a global flood in a cooking accident. This gives us a clear and understandable way to interpret how something as large as the Earth was made. Next is Doctrinal, which involve creeds, gospels, and things of that nature. One way in which the Church of the FSM meets this standard is in its adaptation of the 10 commandments. This gives the pastafarians a clear list of things to do in order to get into Heaven. The story goes that Captain Mosey ascended Mount Salsa and received 10 pieces of advice from the Flying Spaghetti Monster. These pieces of advice are contained in the book known as â€Å"The Eight ‘I’d Really Rather You Didn’ts. †The reason there are only eight is due to the fact that on the way back down from Mount Salsa, Captain Mosey ropped two of them. This event partly accounts for Pastafarians flimsy moral standards. The Flying Spaghetti Monsters commandments address worship of Him, the treatment of people of other faiths, sexual conduct, and nutrition. The fourth aspect is ethical. In this, we examine what the religion says is good or bad. Here, we can again look at the wonderful story of Captain Mosey. Again referring to the â€Å"Eight I’d Really Rather You Didn’ts†, we can get a better picture of their moral code. The first says that they are not to â€Å"act like sanctimonious holier-than-thou people when talking about His Holy Goodness. He goes on to say that if someone doesn’t believe in Him, it is okay. The second says not to use His Noodly Goodness as a means to oppress others. In His words, â€Å"Purity is for drinking water, not people†. Third, he talks about not judging people for the way they look, talk, dress, or choose to live their life. If they want to engage in homosexual relations, let them. â€Å"One is not better than the other, unless were talking about fashion and Im sorry, but I gave that to women and some guys who know the difference between teal and fuchsia. I am not going to go over all eight of them in this paper, but the point is that they do indeed have a set of commandments much like another well-known religion. Next is ritual, in which we look at the varying rituals involved in the Church of the FSM. Actually, there are no mandatory religions involved in the Church of the FSM. However, there are rituals that are encouraged to be practiced during events such as holidays. One o f which I mentioned earlier, in which the passing of the eye patch takes place. Here, each member of the family takes turns wearing the holy eye patch and sharing why he or she is blessed to have been touched by His Noodly Appendages. The fifth aspect is the social aspect. Here, we look at the communities involved within the religion. The Church of the FSM does not have a set, established church anywhere. Instead, they believe that the Earth is their â€Å"church†and that wherever they happen to meet is okay with them, as many of them are â€Å"too lazy to be bothered to get up at seven in the morning and go to some building to be told what to believe†. They do however hold things uch as parades in order to unite together as â€Å"one under His Noodly Appendages†. Finally, there is the material aspect. In the Church of the FSM, one of the Eight I’d Really Rather You Didn’ts is that they are not to spend billions of dollars erecting statues, cathedrals, and other items of worship when the money could go to â€Å"stopping world hunger, healing the sick, helping the homeless, and lowering the cost of cable. †However, there are many pieces of art created by a slew of talented ten year olds that serve to allow His Noodly Appendages to continue to touch those around us for millions of years to come. As we can see, this religion has actually had a huge impact on our society since it went mainstream in 2005. People all over the world are changing to better serve his Holy Goodness and help those around them. If you look at the Church as a whole, not one death has occurred due to it, and â€Å"certainly no wars and slaughters were caused by it, much like another religion†. The FSM has allowed us to take a step back and look at what we believe in, and determine what actually makes sense. By creating a religion completely based off of one guy’s imagination and determination for people to open their eyes and look at what they preach, the Church of the FSM has helped many to become better people, and it will continue to do so throughout the years as more and more people become aware of his Noodly Goodness. 1. www. venganza. org. 2. The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Author: Bobby Henderson Published: 2005. 3. http://politics. gather. com/viewArticle. action? articleId=281474976877085 4. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/The_Gospel_of_the_Flying_Spaghetti_Monster#Pastafarian_Creation_Myth
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Italian Diacritical Accent Marks
Italian Diacritical Accent Marks Segni diacritici. Punti diacritici. Segnaccento (or segno daccento, or accento scritto). However you refer to them in Italian, accent marks (also referred to as diacritical marks) are added or attached to a letter to distinguish it from another of similar form, to give it a particular phonetic value, or to indicate stress. Note that in this discussion, the term accent does not refer to the pronunciation characteristic of a given region or geographical location (for example, a Neapolitan accent or Venetian accent) but rather to orthographic marks. The Big Four in Accent Marks In Italian ortografia (spelling) there are four accent marks: accento acuto (acute accent) [ ´] accento grave (grave accent) [] accento circonflesso (circumflex accent) [ˆ] dieresi (diaresis) [ ¨] In contemporary Italian, the acute and grave accents are the most commonly encountered. The circumflex accent is rare and the diaresis (also referred to as an umlaut) is usually only found in poetic or literary texts. Italian accent marks can be divided into three categories: mandatory, optional, and incorrect. Required accent marks are those that, if not used, constitute a spelling error; facultative accent marks are those a writer uses to avoid ambiguity of meaning or reading; wrong accent marks are those that are written without any purpose and, even in the best of cases, only serve to weigh down the text. When Accent Marks Are Needed In Italian, the accent mark is obligatory: With all words of two or more syllables that end with a vowel that is stressed: libert, perchà ©, finà ¬, abbandonà ², laggià ¹ (the word ventitrà © also requires an accent);With monosyllables ending in two vowels, of which the second has a truncated sound: chià ¹, cià ², dià ¨, gi, già ¹, pià ¨, pià ¹, puà ², sci. One exception to this rule are the words qui and qua;With the following monosyllables in order to distinguish them from other monosyllables of identical spelling, which have a different meaning when unaccented: - chà ©, in the sense of poichà ©, perchà ©, causal conjunction (Andiamo chà © si fa tardi) to distinguish it from the conjunction or pronoun che (Sapevo che eri malato, Can che abbaia non morde); - d, the present indicative of dare (Non mi d retta) to distinguish it from the preposition da, and from da’, the imperative form of dare (Viene da Roma, Da’ retta, non partire); - dà ¬, when meaning day (Lavora tutto il dà ¬) to distinguish it from the preposition di (È l’ora di alzarsi) and di’, the imperative form of dire (Di’ che ti piace); - à ¨, verb (â€Å"Non à ¨ vero†) to distinguish it from the conjunction e (Io e lui); - l, adverb of place (È andato l) to distinguish it from the article, pronoun, or musical note la (Dammi la penna, La vidi, Dare il la all’orchestra); - là ¬, adverb of place (Guarda là ¬ dentro) to distinguish it from the pronoun li (Li ho visti); - nà ©, conjunction (Nà © io nà © Mario) to distinguish it from the pronoun or adverb ne (Ne ho visti parecchi, Me ne vado subito, Ne vengo proprio ora); - sà ©, stressed personal pronoun (Lo prese con sà ©) to distinguish it from the unstressed pronoun se or the conjunction se (Se ne prese la met, Se lo sapesse); - sà ¬, adverb of afirmation or to express the sentiment cosà ¬ (Sà ¬, vengo, Sà ¬ bello e sà ¬ caro) to distinguish it from the pronoun si (Si à ¨ ucciso); - tà ¨, plant and drink (Piantagione di tà ¨, Una tazza di tà ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ) to distinguish it from te (closed sound) pronoun (Vengo con te). When Accents Are Optional The accent mark is optional: With a, that is, stressed on the third-to-last syllable, so as not to be confused with the identically spelled word that is pronounced with the accent on the penultimate syllable. For example, nà ¨ttare and nettare, cà ³mpito and compito, sà ºbito and subito, cpitano and capitano, bitino and abitino, ltero and altero, mbito and ambito, uguri and auguri, bcino and bacino, circà ¹ito and circuito, frà ºstino and frustino, intà ºito and intuito, malà ¨dico and maledico, mà ¨ndico and mendico, nà ²cciolo and nocciolo, rà ¨tina and retina, rà ºbino and rubino, sà ©guito and seguito, và ola and viola, vità ¹peri and vituperi.When it signals the vocal stress on words ending in -io, -à a, -à i, -à e, such as fruscà o, tarsà a, fruscà i, tarsà e, as well as lavorà o, leccornà a, gridà o, albagà a, godà o, brillà o, codardà a, and many other instances. A more important reason is when the term, with a different pronunciation, would change meaning, for example: balà a and balia, bacà o and bacio, gorgheggà o and gorgheggio, regà a and regia. Then there are those optional accents that might be referred to as phonic because they signal the correct pronunciation of the vowels e and o within a word; an open e or o has one meaning while a closed e or o has another: fà ³ro (hole, opening), fà ²ro (piazza, square); tà ©ma (fear, dread), tà ¨ma (theme, topic); mà ¨ta (ending, conclusion), mà ©ta (dung, excrement); cà ²lto (from the verb cogliere), cà ³lto (educated, learned, cultured); rà ²cca (fortress), rà ³cca, (spinning tool). But beware: these phonetic accents are beneficial only if the speaker understands the difference between the acute and grave accent; otherwise disregard the accent mark, since it is not mandatory. When Accents Are Wrong The accent mark is wrong: First and foremost, when it is incorrect: there should be no accent on the words qui and qua, according to the exception noted;and when it is completely useless. It is a mistake to write dieci anni f, accenting the verbal form fa, which would never be confused with the musical note fa; as it would be a mistake to write non lo sà ² or cosà ¬ non v accenting without reason so and va.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Analysis of The Media Reaction Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analysis of The Media Reaction - Article Example The president of CW, Dawn Ostroff is all praises for her involvement and dedication to her job and the way she is handling production of two shows and planning drama and comedy for to keep the show on the air for a longer time and get higher viewer count. What this article does point out is the fact that there are very few entertainment programs showing predominantly Afro American star cast these days. Most of the programs which used to have Afro American cast in the main lead are long over and that the current ones do not reflect this segment of the society that well on the small screen. There is an increasing trend to have 'colorless' themes for entertainment on the T.V. shows. It gives a significant analysis that though out the fact that though there are more colored actors than ever before they are not getting more work as there are no stories depicting representing their culture. All the segments of the media cannot be accused of relying on stereotypes when depicting a certain group. Stereotypes are more common in movies and TV shows where colored ethnic groups tend to be shown a typical image associated with them over successive generations. Print media and articles are very careful in not allowing any bias from entering in their news items and editorials.Â
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Evolution of the Justice System Research Paper
The Evolution of the Justice System - Research Paper Example The essay shall explore the justice system from conception, evolution and its impact on the United States judicial system. The justice system has evolved a lot since its inception into the society. When colonialists first arrived in early America, there was no form of law anywhere and it was a case of survival of the fittest. The land was filled with outlaws and this gave reasons for the rise of the county sheriffs. Soon after, courts were established and lawyers who had immigrated from England started practicing law. The sheriffs categorized crimes into two groups namely, misdemeanors and felonies. The courts were similar to the courts found in England in that both courts comprised of judges and a jury. Some courts had one judge presiding over cases while others had ten judges. In the case of the ten judges, there was no organization and conducting matters was difficult. The courts led to the establishment of county cells and prisons. The main distinction between the cells and priso ns is that the county cells were meant to hold petty offenders and suspects while they awaited trial. After the case proceedings ended and the verdict was passed, they would be taken to prison. This is similar to the modern justice systems since courts and the sheriffs still exist. Sheriffs normally operate in the counties since their role has since been taken up by the police force. In the modern era, there are courts, judges and lawyers who strive to make the country safe by convicting criminals. The main difference between the old form of justice and the modern way is the form punishment that was administered. In the Middle Ages, there were various forms of punishment most of which were barbaric. They included mutilations, corporal punishments and death by hanging. Fast forward to modern times and these forms of punishments were abolished and prisoners are sent to prison for rehabilitation and not condemnation. The highest legal institution in the country or state is the Supreme Court. It is usually the last place where a dispute can be resolved if both parties have not come to an understanding.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
CRJ 520 DRNC WE6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
CRJ 520 DRNC WE6 - Essay Example Also, a high percentage of the labor forces in NPS are sourced from various faith based agencies which are aimed at the rehabilitation of the mentally ill people, homeless people and people who are looking for an opportunity to start life anew. The Nationwide Professional Services (NPS) works in collaboration with one such faith based agency known as New Person Ministries which operates in South Florida. The New Person Ministries (NPM) helps for rehabilitation and provision of jobs for persons who had been convicted of sexual crimes at some point of their lives. The labors sourced by this agency include sexual offenders who belong to the sexual predator lists and the sexual offenders list of the State of Florida. The sex offenders attending the rehabilitation programs are not fully normalized and there remain chances of threat for the visitors from these sex offenders. The risk assessment with respect to a sex offender is done on the basis of considering the statistical probability o f the sex offender committing similar sexual offenses. The sex offenders generally have a type of mental disorder or abnormality which may instigate them to repeat their crimes without any consideration of the punishments that may follow the crimes. The DRNC is being held in the American Arena area of Miami where security threats are high. Thus, this may encourage the sex offenders included in the labor force of Nationwide Professional Services (NPS) to repeat their crimes. This would mean exposing the visitors and attenders of the DRNC to high threats and risks of being victims to crime. There are some differences between the individuals enlisted in the Sexual Predators list and those enlisted in the Sexual offenders list. Sexual predators are those people who are convicted of the violation of various sections of the Criminal Codes. Attempted violations of these criminal codes of a state also lead to the enlistment of the individuals in the Sexual Predator list.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Analysing obesity in the US
Analysing obesity in the US Obesity continues to be a growing crisis in the United States. Too many people arent taking into account that its become a serious health threat that people can prevent, but its as if people arent trying. Too much food in too many places and so much technology made for so many different things are causing people to notice their waistlines expanding. People claim that they cant help how heavy they and blame it on things such as not be able to exercise because theyre too busy, when its a number of different things. People need to start doing things in their every day life to avoid becoming obese. It seems like now days Americans are worried about their weight more than ever. With all the diet pills, health clubs, and just plain fitness craze one would think the United States would be in pretty good shape, but its the complete opposite. The more variety of unhealthy foods that are offered and the more short cuts technology are providing now days, the more Americans find their waistlines expanding. Why is it that healthy foods are so expensive and junk food is always five for the price of one? Obesity is a major problem in the United States today. With all the troubles and worries in the world, obesity is quickly becoming a very important problem to worry about. It can basically be made into a life and death situation. The parents that just sit on the couch eating chips while setting an example for their children, the schools that want to cut their physical education class, the greasy foods that fast food restaurants provide, and the major food companies that keep coming up wit h new ideas to add to the number of unhealthy choices Americans make are just a few of the many causes of this rising epidemic. Obesity is continuing to get worse as more and more people continue to eat themselves to the point where they cant do anything about it. Americans are literally eating themselves to death and do not realize it. The government continues to warn that obesity is getting out of control and something has to be done, but how is anything going to get done if nobody is doing anything about it? According to Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee from an article written by Karen Tumulty, if someone isnt willing to step in, the generation of young Americans being brought into this world today is being expected to have a shorter life span than their parents and even their grandparents (Tumulty, 2006). There are so many choices in todays food and nearly half of Americas food is proven to be unhealthy. It is not easy to make the choice between a salad with low fat dressing versus a quick plump juicy burger from McDonalds. Children are being taught that its okay to eat fast food, and arent being pushed to eat their fruits, vegetables, as well as many other things that are needed for a healthy diet. According to Kaplan (1998), â€Å"children learn to eat the wrong foods and consume empty calories from junk food each day†(p. 218). As children get older, they wont know how to make the right choices between healthy snacks and junk food. America will soon find that obesity rates have sky rocketed, and they wont be able to do anything about it. Time is running out, and someone has to step in to stop this soon to be number one killer. Although metabolism has to deal with the way people burn the food they eat, doesnt mean that the metabolism they might get from their parents is going to make them obese. Bjorntorp (2001), stated that â€Å"several observations point in the direction that physical inactivity is the main cause of the obesity epidemic†(p. 1006). If one doesnt exercise how do they expect to maintain a healthy weight? People have to eat in order to survive. Its what they eat, and how much they eat that plays a part on how their body looks. Children weight more today than they did 20 years ago and the main problem appears to be not getting enough exercise (Kaplan, 1998). How does a person think they are going to remain healthy if they dont somehow burn some of the calories they ingest daily? America is surrounded by unlimited, easily available foods. Nobody ever has to worry about running out of food. Although its hard to fight off the urge to reach for that bag of chips, its quite possible. Peopl e have to learn self will and the fact is that the more weight people gain the harder it is for them to lose weight. As just mentioned, exercising helps a person lose weight, but if someone has McDonalds for lunch and supper every day then run over five miles daily isnt going to help them to be healthier. They may not become obese, but once they become older and arent able to run as much as they used to, then they soon find their metabolism slows down. They now have to change their eating habits because they start having health problems that interfere with their everyday life. It doesnt matter how active someone can be, having an unhealthy diet can cause serious health problems later down the road. Obesity cant be blamed on only one thing; its a number of different things. Of course eating healthy is a sure way to fight off obesity. According to an online source, a studys lead author â€Å"blames the environment in which Americans live.†He says, â€Å"there is too much food available, social situations encourage overeating, restaurants compete with each other by offering bigger and bigger servings and technology has made it possible to avoid exercise†(1998). If we have problems now with trying to find ways to be active, imagine how it will be like ten years from now. Pretty soon things will be so easy that nobody will care they are obese when in todays society obesity is looked down upon. How far is this rising epidemic going to go? Discrimination goes back to the early Christian church when gluttony was one of the seven deadly sins. According to Spake (2004), â€Å"obesity was viewed as the outward manifestation of the ‘sin of overindulgence†(p. 52). It seems like today the media is trying to make it look like being overweight isnt bad. Although obesity is brought up as such a major problem, why is the media trying to make it look like being overweight isnt bad? Some would argue that its for the teenage girls that are struggling with an eating disorder. Seeing skinny models all over the television screen doesnt help teenage girls with problems like that, but seeing bigger people; even obese people, all over the television screen doesnt help children figure out that eating healthy helps you to remain fit either. Obesity can cause a lot of problems in a persons life; problems that are preventable. Becoming obese has many health problems related to it. So far, obesity is catching up to smoking as the number one cause of preventable death. According to the American Obesity Association major insurance companies boost coverage for obesity treatment and prevention, and a persons lifespan may be cut short by obesity. Obesity carries the major risk for getting type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and some cancers. Tumulty (2006) stated that, â€Å"health care providers say they are seeing something of an epidemic of potentially lethal Type II diabetes, once known as the adult-onset version of the disease, among children as young as 10 and 11†(p. 40). How are the next generations going to survive when America provides to this deadly disease known as obesity. Children learn how to eat healthy at a young age. Fact is that if children are fed healthy foods, and are taught to eat healthy foods at a young age then they are bound to keep it that way as they get older; this has to start with the parents. If parents sit on the couch and eat high fat foods then tell their children to eat right and go out and exercise isnt gong to get the job done. Parents have to keep foods that are high in fat, and sodas that are high in sugar out of the house. They should have fruits and vegetables on hand so their children learn to eat healthy. Children can have pretty much all they want of fruits and vegetables. In an interview done by Nanci Hellmich (2006) with nutrition professionals it was stated that eating habits begin with the parents. Eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables and stay away from the high fat and deep fried foods. Also be sure to have some sort of physical activity daily (p. 8d). Parents have control over what their child eats at a young age, but once the child starts to go to school, its hard to see what the child eats. This is where the school should step in. Standards should be set with the types of foods that are provided in school lunches, but how is this going to be done if there isnt any intervention from the school itself? People have control over their own body, but these day its hard for working parents to find time to prepare meals from fresh food when all they have to do is pay for cheep fast food that can by bought in big portions. Its also hard for children going to schools that are getting rid of their physical education classes and playgrounds because the school doesnt have enough money to support such things. Instead they allow vending machines and food advertising in their buildings. The article Junk Food Nation by Gary Ruskin and Juliet Schor is trying to tell people that junk food has become a major problem in the US today concerning obesity and certain people arent taking into consideration that it actually is a real problem. They blame it on other things like watching too much TV and not exercising enough. They dont think the greasy foods that fast food restaurants provide and the king sized bags of candy that gas stations sell as well as lunches that schools sell dont play a part in the young obesity in this country. When really it plays a big part and the people that should care about this problem leave it up to the people that really dont have much control over it (Ruskin Schor, 2005). If a child goes to a school that doesnt have any physical education classes and receives a unhealthy lunch everyday is bound to live an unhealthy life-style. Children these days are getting bigger than ever and its as if nobody cares. It also seems like the media is targeting the youth of the United States. Tumulty (2006) stated that, â€Å"the rates of obesity among children and teens have tripled in the past 25 years†(p. 40). The next generations are going to be bigger than ever. According to an article by Gary Ruskin and Juliet Schor (2005), â€Å"Kraft announced it would no longer market Oreos to younger children, McDonalds promoted itself as a salad producer and Coca-Cola said it wont advertise to kids under 12. But behind the scenes its hardball as usual, with junk food giants pushing the Bush Administration to defend their interests†(p. 15). Children these days are getting bigger than ever. Its not just because of the foods they eat, its because theyre parents and how they set an example for them, the school lunches theyre provided everyday, and the chances they actually get to be outside or just plain get to get up and do something. If schools are getting rid of their physical education classes, how are todays youth and Americas future youth going to be able to stay fit? With how bad obesity is now, why is America making it worse? Schools need to make it clear to children about the effects of eating unhealthy. Grimm (n.d.) stated that a â€Å"Department of Agriculture study calculated that 95% of the 10,000 food commercials children see each year pitch high fat, high sugar products†(p. 108). How far are big food companies willing to go to make the future generations of America even unhealthier than it already is? America knows that obesity has become something serious, yet schools are marketing to their students with allowing vending machines with unhealthy foods as well as soda machines with drinks that are high in sugar and calories while getting rid of their physical education classes because they dont have enough money to support it. Vending companies are offering schools money just so the school will market their product. Its almost as if food companies are more worried about their own businesses rather than worrying about this growing health issue occurring in the United States. Overeating seems to be a problem in the United States today. This can be one of the main causes for the number of obese people in America. Restaurants provide huge meals and fast food restaurants provide large portions of greasy foods for cheep. A glycemic index (GI) indicates the rate at which carbohydrates are digested and absorbed and this can also trigger over eating (Amersbach, 1999). Foods with a low GI includes fruit and vegetables; foods with a medium GI include milk and oatmeal; and foods with a high GI includes the foods that Americans love such as muffins, donuts, and so on. If one eats a low GI breakfast its been proven that they feel fuller and eat less through out the day. If one eats a high GI breakfast then those people usually find that theyre eating an hour later because they feel hungry. If a person is hungry two hours after a meal, the fact is that theyve eaten the wrong foods. Obesity can cause a lot of problems in a persons everyday life. Imagine going to a theater and not being able to fit into the seats or having to buy an extra plane ticket because its not possible to fit into just one seat, but most of all imagine going out in public while having every person just stare. Obesity doesnt just cause health problems; it causes mental and physiological problems as well. How can eating; the simplest thing ever, turn into something so deadly? Why do people seem to indulge in so many unhealthy foods when they know the consequences? With all the choices there are in America and all the marketing for unhealthy foods, it shouldnt surprise people that obesity has become a fatal problem in the United States today; a fatal problem that can be prevented. If something isnt done now, obesity will continue to threaten the lives of many. How can one avoid becoming obese? Its simple; eat right, exercise, and remember that obesity is a disease that is treatable, but one h as to be willing to help their self. No drugs and prescriptions can treat this disease. Its the personal responsibility a person must have to keep their body fit and to live a healthy lifestyle. References Amersbach, G. (1999, November). Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy. In a low-fat world, why are Americans getting fatter? Retrieved April 10, 2008, from, roberts.html. Bjorntorp, P. (2001, September 22). Thrifty genes and human obesity. Are we chasing ghosts? Lancet, 358, 1006-1008. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from EBSCOhost. (1998, May 28). Study: Americans fatter than ever and getting even fatter. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from, Grimm, M. (n.d.). Is marketing to kids ethical? Business, pp. 107-112. Hellmich, N. (2006, April 5). How parents can handle the sensitive but critical topic of weight. USA Today. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from EBSCOhost. Kaplan, P. (1998). Human Odyssey: Life-Span Development. Sixth Edition.: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company: Pacific Grove, CA. Ruskin, G., Schor, J. (2005, August 29). Junk food nation. The Nation, 281, 15-17. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from EBSCOhost. Spake, A. (2004, February 9). Rethinking weight. U.S. New World Report, 136, 50- 56. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from EBSCOhost. Tumulty, K. (2006, March 27). The politics of fat. Time, 167, 40-43. Retrieved April 10, 2008, from EBSCOhost.
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