Tuesday, November 26, 2019
10 Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Biomedical Physiology
10 Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Biomedical Physiology The field of biomedical physiology is certainly one that will interest the average person looking to know more about the functions of living organisms, their parts and the effects of the environment on these living organisms. Therefore, if you are interested in knowing how living things function, then a cause and effect essay on biomedical physiology will definitely be right up your alley. This article is intended to serve as a study aid for anyone given the responsibility of writing about biomedical physiology and this fact book will consist of 10 important facts on biomedical physiology that you can use in developing an academic essay. To further simplify your academic task two extra materials discussing essay writing in the field of biomedical physiology will also be added. Biomedical physiology has been a part of the medical revolution. With advances in medicine and an excellent understanding of how the human body functions, the field of biomedical physiology has provided enough details for the creation of functioning artificial organs. In 1993, the first bionic arm was created in Edinburgh and this has paved the way for more inventions in biomedicine. Biomedical physiology shows that the Human body is subject to only 3 types of pressure. In physiology terms, the human body faces pressure from three sources: the weight of the atmosphere, hydrostatic forces from the weight of water and mechanical pressure from human organs such as the heart and other muscles. An understanding of these forces is important for the creation of human organs and artificial limbs. Biomedical physiology and biomedical engineering are complementary fields. The biomedical engineering field has gained a lot from the discoveries from the field of biomedical physiology. This is due to the fact that biomedical physiology has helped engineer truly understand how organs function and the forces that affect them. This knowledge has been put to use in the creation of prosthetics, dental fissures and artificial organs by biomedical engineers. The human body is a cell factory. Starting from a single foetus cell, the human body grows into producing approximately 25 million cells on a daily basis. Physiology also goes forward to show that the average human sheds all his or her skin every 27 days while the growing process occur simultaneously with skin shedding. As time goes, the human body is genetically conditioned to drastically reduce the amount of cell it produces as we age. The heart is the most powerful organ in humans. The human heart exerts enough power to lift a 1-ton weight approximately 40ft of the ground. And it needs to be that powerful for it pumps red blood cells 12,000miles around the human body. Also, the square inch of human tissue contains 20 feet of blood vessels with the average tissue containing 2,000 to 3,000 capillaries. The human body’s machinery copes with heat through adaptation. It is common knowledge that during the early days of summer, the human body struggles with the heat but acclimatized as time goes on. This phenomenon is known as heat acclimatization and physiology shows the mechanism behind it involves the body producing more volume of blood to transfer the heat quickly to the skin in order for evaporation to occur. This is why the use of skin grafting is the best technique for replacing lost human skin. Biomedical physiology has played a part in developing corrective surgical equipment. A thorough understanding of the body due to biomedical physiology has led to advances in corrective surgery. These advances can be seen in colonoscopy procedures, laser surgery, automated insulin pumps and other biomedical devices. Understanding human physiology and how the body reacts to external factors help scientist build comfortable equipment for invasive surgeries. The human body is constantly in motion. The human body is constantly in motion regardless of if you place yourself in a prone position. This fact is due to the muscles contained in it. The biggest worker by far, in terms of movement, is the extraocular muscles which approximately 100,000 times a day. This physiology discovery has also played a part in advancing biomedicine as biomedical scientist take muscular movement into consideration when treating patients or inventing new organs, prosthetics and devices for the human body. The field of Biomedical Physiology is populated by women. Statistics show that biomedicine and biomedical physiology to be precise is a quite attractive professional field for women. This statistics put the number of women studying biomedical physiology at 2 in every 3 students. This is due to the fact that many programs in the biomedical field offer good incentives to learn as well as further one’s education in the field. Currently, may tertiary programs offer women the chance to study for a joint bachelor’s and master’s degree in biomedical physiology and this has proven to be quite attractive to students. Biomedical physiology has a bright future. Today biomedical scientists are taking on more important challenges that have the ability to revolutionize medicine and the human standard of living. These great strides are in the field of regeneration for spinal injuries, cellular regeneration to stall aging and developing human tissues and organs that can help with life-threatening injuries. To accomplish this, the use of stem cells, 3D printing, gel-like cushions and other devices are been employed to accomplish the biomedical revolution. Here we come to the end of the top important facts on biomedical physiology and as stated earlier, extra materials will be provided for further reading and these materials include an article on 20 topics for a cause and effect essay on biomedical physiology as well as a tutorial on the making of a cause and effect essay on biomedical physiology. We believe these three articles could be beneficial in teaching you how to write a cause and effect paper as well as discuss the field of biomedical physiology using sample essays and facts. References: Gueye, P. (2014). Physiology, Biophysics, and Biomedical Engineering. Medical Physics, 41(3), p.037302. Boron, W. (2010). Sustainability in Biomedical Research. Physiology, 25(4), Pg.200-202. Grocott, M. Montgomery, H. (2012). Extreme Physiology Medicine: a new journal focussed on integrative human physiology under stress. Extreme Physiology Medicine. Singer, D. (2013). Physiology and Pathophysiology of Thermoregulation in the Neonate. Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik. Andresen, P. (2013). Stress Corrosion Cracking of Current Structural Materials in Commercial Nuclear Power Plants. Avrorin, E. and Chebeskov, A. (2015). Fast Reactors and Nuclear Non-proliferation Problem. Nuclear Energy and Technology,Pg 1-7. Pokhmurskyi, V. Chervinska, N. (1998). Corrosion Problems and Corrosion Protection of Materials â€Å"Corrosion-98†. Materials Science Pg, 444-446.
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